Sucre is one of the most populated cities in Bolivia, and at the same time, this city is the capital of this country. Located in America, you may find the city easily with the following GPS coordinates: 19.03S latitude / 65.25W longitude. For routing in Sucre, please check the free driving directions Sucre service below.
When you visit Bolivia, be prepared that the official spoken language(s) is Spanish, and the officially used currency is Bolivian boliviano (BOB), since 1986.
Sucre, the capital city, has numerous population; 204 200 counted together with the city’s metropolitan areas. While Sucre counts around the inhabitants mentioned earlier, the mother country, Bolivia, bears 11 215 674 sum citizens spreading on its 424 163,94 sq mi / 1 098 580 km2 territory.
The form of the ruling government in Bolivia is Unitary presidential constitutional republic, and interestingly note that the people here share the motto: La unión es la Fuerza (Unity is Strength), while salute for the national anthem called: Himno Nacional de Bolivia.
Google Maps Sucre, and the satellite map of the city is a free and useful dynamic tool to discover the capital of Bolivia and the neighboring countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru.
Please look at this country’s information page for a wide range of information such as economic data, population, geographical knowledge, additional Bolivia Google Maps, satellite imagery, etc.
Google Maps Sucre
Short geographic information for Bolivia
Landlocked Bolivia is equal in size to California and Texas combined. Brazil forms its eastern border its other neighbors are Peru and Chile on the west and Argentina and Paraguay on the south. The western part, enclosed by two chains of the Andes, is a great plateauthe Altiplano, with an average altitude of 12,000 ft (3,658 m). Almost half the population lives on the plateau, which contains Oruro, Potosí, and La Paz. At an altitude of 11,910 ft (3,630 m), La Paz is the highest administrative capital city in the world. The Oriente, a lowland region ranging from rain forests to grasslands, comprises the northern and eastern two-thirds of the country. Lake Titicaca, at an altitude of 12,507 ft (3,812 m), is the highest commercially navigable body of water in the world.
Driving Directions Sucre
For real-time traffic data and live traffic conditions map, please visit Traffic maps.