Google Maps™ driving directions home » Glossary » Kazakhstan


Kazakhstan's flagLocation: Central Asia
Official name: Republic of Kazakhstan
Formation (date of independence / date current borders were established): 1991 / 1991
Capital city: Astana
Population: 15.8 million / 15 people per sq mile (6 people per sq km)
Total land area: 1,049,150 square miles (2,717,300 square km)
Language(s) spoken: Kazakh (official language), Russian, Ukrainian, German, Uzbek, Tatar, Uighur
Main religions: Muslim (mainly Sunni) 47%, Orthodox Christian 44%, Other 7%, Protestant 2%
Ethnic mix: Kazakh 57%, Russian 27%, Other 8%, Ukrainian 3%, Uzbek 3%, German 2%
Government type: Presidential system
Currency: Tenge = 100 tiyn
Literacy rate: 99%
Calorie consumption (daily per person): 3359 kilocalories

For more detailed country information, driving directions, and Google Maps, please visit Kazakhstan‘s corresponding page.

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