Food or waterborne diseases
Food or waterborne diseases are acquired through eating or drinking on the local economy.
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Food or waterborne diseases are acquired through eating or drinking on the local economy.
Financial obligations owed by a country to the rest of the world and repayable in foreign currency.
A “human construct” that is often of considerable size, that has substantial internal unity or homogeneity, and that differs in significant respects from adjoining areas.
The former term often used to identify as a group the successor nations to the Soviet Union or USSR.
The Former USSR/Eastern Europe (former USSR/EE) is the middle group in the hierarchy of developed countries (DCs), former USSR/Eastern Europe (former USSR/EE), and less developed countries (LDCs).
Water pumped from underground aquifers.
The Four Dragons are the four small Asian less developed countries (LDCs) that have experienced unusually rapid economic growth.
The effort of the Chinese after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 to focus on economic development in agriculture, industry, science and technology, and defense.
The Franc Zone (FZ) was established in 1964 to form a monetary union among countries whose currencies were linked to the French franc.
Location: Western Europe Official name: French Republic Formation (date of independence / date current borders were established): 987 / 1919 Capital city: Paris Population: 62.6 million / 295 people per sq mile (114 people per sq km) Total land area: 211,208 square miles (547,030 square km) Language(s) spoken: French (official language), Provençal, German, Breton, Catalan, …
An economic system in which private individuals own most of the resources, technology, and businesses can operate them for a profit with little control from the government.
The Front Line States (FLS) established to achieve black majority rule in South Africa.
The free, open land in the American west was available for settlement.
Deforestation in the less developed countries caused by subsistence needs.
The belief that all the teachings of a particular religion must be strictly obeyed.