The process creating folds (landforms resulting from an intense bending of rock layers).
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The process creating folds (landforms resulting from an intense bending of rock layers).
Handmade items, such as pottery, woodcarving, and traditional costumes, are produced by rural people with traditional lifestyles instead of professional artists.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO was established on 16 October 1945 to raise living standards and increase the availability of agricultural products.
The sequence through which energy, in the form of food, passes through an ecosystem.
Food or waterborne diseases are acquired through eating or drinking on the local economy.
Financial obligations owed by a country to the rest of the world and repayable in foreign currency.
A “human construct” that is often of considerable size, that has substantial internal unity or homogeneity, and that differs in significant respects from adjoining areas.
The former term often used to identify as a group the successor nations to the Soviet Union or USSR.
The Former USSR/Eastern Europe (former USSR/EE) is the middle group in the hierarchy of developed countries (DCs), former USSR/Eastern Europe (former USSR/EE), and less developed countries (LDCs).
The Four Dragons are the four small Asian less developed countries (LDCs) that have experienced unusually rapid economic growth.
The effort of the Chinese after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 to focus on economic development in agriculture, industry, science and technology, and defense.