The lending of small sums to poor people to set up or expand small businesses.
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The lending of small sums to poor people to set up or expand small businesses.
One of three regions in Oceania, meaning “tiny islands.”
Location: Australasia & Oceania Official name: Federated States of Micronesia Formation (date of independence / date current borders were established): 1986 / 1986 Capital city: Palikir (Pohnpei Island) Population: 106,836 / 394 people per sq mile (152 people per sq km) Total land area: 271 square miles (702 square km) Language(s) spoken: Trukese, Pohnpeian, Kosraean, …
A political entity that is tiny in area and population and is independent or semi-independent.
The model of mostly symbiotic relations among villagers, pastoral nomads, and urbanites in the Middle East.
The region that contains the 12 states of the north-central United States.
Migrant: a person moving from one place or country to settle in another.
The movement of peoples within a country or region.
A Latin American farmer who engages in swidden or shifting cultivation in forest lands.
A natural substance found in rocks of the Earth, such as a metal; removed by mining.
Small Latin American agricultural landholdings, usually with a strong subsistence component.
Missionary: a person who goes abroad trying to convert others to his or her particular religion.
A major river that runs north-south almost the length of the united states, from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, is part of the longest river system.
A transitional area where both needleleaf and broadleaf trees are present and compete with each other.