Oasis: a fertile place in the desert, where water lies near or on the surface.
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Oasis: a fertile place in the desert, where water lies near or on the surface.
The territories that were captured by Israel in the 1967 War.
The term Oceania generally refers to Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and the South Pacific islands.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The stock of gold and foreign currency held by a country to finance any calls that may be made for the settlement of a foreign debt.
The 1973 embargo on oil exports imposed by Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) against the United States and the Netherlands.
The Okhotsk Sea is the no. 11th contiguous open water surface on earth. It has a huge, 613,8 square mile (1,589,700 square km) area and 2,749 square feet (838 square meters) average depth. The Okhotsk Sea’s greatest known depth is 12,001 feet (3,658 meters), which can be found at 146 10 E.
A site of fossil beds in northern Tanzania, containing the most continuous known record of humanity over the past 2 million years, including fossils from 65 hominids.
A government-run by a few persons or a small group.
Location: Southwest Asia Official name: Sultanate of Oman Formation (date of independence / date current borders were established): 1951 / 1951 Capital city: Muscat Population: 2.9 million / 35 people per sq mile (14 people per sq km) Total land area: 82,031 square miles (212,460 square km) Language(s) spoken: Arabic (official language), Baluchi, Farsi, Hindi, …
A country that relies on one principal export for much of its earnings.
The organization of petroleum exporting countries was established in 1960 by some oil-producing nations to coordinate policies on selling petroleum products.
Political boundaries that have a minimal political or structural impediment to easy crossing between two countries.
Ore: a mineral or rock from which a valuable metal, such as iron, gold, or copper, can be mined or extracted.
OECD – See Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC).
(OEEC) An organization created in 1948 to organize and facilitate the European response to the 1947 Marshall Plan.
A river mainly in Venezuela and part of South America’s northernmost river system.
The precipitation that results when moving airstrikes a topographic barrier, such as a mountain, is forced upward.