Soil with a grayish, bleached appearance when plowed, lacking in well-decomposed organic matter, poorly structured, and very low in natural fertility.
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Soil with a grayish, bleached appearance when plowed, lacking in well-decomposed organic matter, poorly structured, and very low in natural fertility.
Location: Northern Europe Official name: Republic of Poland Formation (date of independence / date current borders were established): 1918 / 1945 Capital city: Warsaw Population: 38 million / 323 people per sq mile (125 people per sq km) Total land area: 120,728 square miles (312,685 square km) Language(s) spoken: Polish (official language) Main religions: Roman …
Land that is reclaimed from the sea or other body of water by diking and drainage.
One of three regions in Oceania, meaning “many islands.”
Population estimates from the US Bureau of the Census are based on statistics from population censuses, vital statistics registration systems, or sample surveys about the recent past and assumptions about future trends.
The birth rate minus the death rate in a population.
Population density: the number of people living in a given area of land.
Population distribution provides a brief description of the population dispersion within a country.
The surge in Earth’s human population has occurred since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
The population growth rate is the average annual percent change in the population, resulting from a surplus (or deficit) of births over deaths and the balance of migrants entering and leaving a country.
A graphic device that shows the gender and age distribution of a population.
Location: Southwest Europe Official name: Republic of Portugal Formation (date of independence / date current borders were established): 1139 / 1640 Capital city: Lisbon Population: 10.7 million / 301 people per sq mile (116 people per sq km) Total land area: 35,672 square miles (92,391 square km) Language(s) spoken: Portuguese (official language) Main religions: Roman …
An economic phase in which manufacturing no longer plays a dominant role.