An extended period of decline in general business activity.
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An extended period of decline in general business activity.
The Red Sea is the no. 17th contiguous open water surface on earth. It has a huge, 169,1 square mile (438 square km) area and 1,611 square feet (491 square meters) average depth. The Red Sea’s greatest known depth is 7,254 feet (2,211 meters), which can be found at Off Port Sudan.
The oil has been treated to remove water and other impurities to separate gasoline and diesel fuels.
A place where crude oil is converted into useful products.
A movement in western Europe beginning in 1517, when many Christians broke away from the catholic church and started protestant churches. this led to mutual hostility and religious wars that tore apart Europe.
Refugee: a person who has fled to another country searching for safety because of war or political or religious oppression.
A music style developed in Jamaica in the 1960s and is rooted in African, Caribbean, and American music, often dealing with social problems and religion.
Regime: a particular government or system of government.
A “human construct” that is often of considerable size has substantial internal unity or homogeneity and differs in significant respects from adjoining areas.
Describes a place in relation to other places around it.
The difference in elevation of a landform from the lowest point to the highest point.
The belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe and the system of beliefs itself.
Religions are an ordered listing of religions in a country by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes including the total population.
Remote sensing is the science of acquiring and analyzing data without being in contact with the subject.
A time of renewed interest in learning and the arts that lasted from the 14th through 16th centuries. It began in the Italian city-states and spread north to all of Europe.
A resource, such as timber that is grown or renewed so that a continual supply is available.
A government in which the people rule through elected representatives.
A government in which citizens elect representatives to rule on their behalf.
Public land was set aside for native peoples by the government.