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Laos Google Map

This image shows the draft map of Laos, Southeast Asia. For more details of the map of Laos, please see this page below. This image shows the location of Laos, Southeast Asia. For more geographical details of Laos, please see this page below. This image shows the flag of Laos, Southeast Asia. For more details of the flag of Laos, please see this page below.
Borderline map of Laos Location map of Laos Flag of Laos

Laos Google map

Google Maps and Detailed Facts of Laos (LA). This page lets you explore Laos and its border countries (Country Location: Southeastern Asia, northeast of Thailand, west of Vietnam) through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before Google Maps.

Find comprehensive information about this country’s diversity below: Google maps, geography, economy, science, people, culture, environment, government, and history – All in One Wiki page.

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Laos Google Maps & Satellite Maps

The map below shows Laos with its cities, towns, highways, main roads, streets, and Street Views. To find a location, use the form below, type any city or place, view a simple map, and click the “show map” button.

The Google map above shows Laos with its location: Southeast Asia (geographic coordinates: 18 00 N, 105 00 E) and the international borders of Laos; total: 5,274 km. Border countries (total: 5): Burma 238 km, Cambodia 555 km, China 475 km, Thailand 1,845 km, Vietnam 2,161 km; furthermore, it’s inland counties boundaries.

Hint: Look at the Street view in Laos or Southeast Asia. All you have to do is drag and pull the little yellow man (named: Pegman) on the Google map above the desired location. After that, whenever it is available (more than 50 countries globally), blue stripes will appear to show the photos and details from Google’s regularly updated data image base. In case if you have signed in to your Google account currently, you may have a look at the satellite map of this country/area as well.

The map of Laos, Southeast Asia, is for informational use only. No representation is made or warrantied given any map or its content by Driving Directions and Maps site. The user assumes all risks of using this Laos Google map and facts/wiki.

About Laos in detail

Where is Laos?

Laos, in case, if you are looking on the map under the Coordinates 17 58 N 102 36 E otherwise in the southeast Asia, in southeastern Asia, northeast of Thailand, west of Vietnam.

What is the capital city of Laos?

The capital city of Laos is Vientiane.

What is the time in Vientiane?

It is 12 hours ahead of Washington, D.C. during Standard Time; Vientiane’s timezone is UTC+7.

What is the Internet code for Laos?

The Top Level Domain (TLD) for Laos is: .la

What is the size of Laos?

The territory of Laos is total: 236,800 sq km; land: 230,800 sq km, water: 6,000 sq km.

If we want to describe the size of the territory of Laos is slightly larger than Utah.

If we would like to walk around and discover Laos, we can cover a total distance: 5,274 km.

What is the water coverage of Laos?

We have already mentioned what percentage of Laos is covered by water (see below), and this includes 0 km (landlocked country) coastline.

What is the climate like in Laos?

Laos’s climate is tropical monsoon: rainy season (May to November): the dry season (December to April).

Geographical data of Laos

Laos’ elevation; mean elevation: 710 m, elevation extremes; lowest point: Mekong River 70 m, highest point: Phu Bia 2,817 m.

The specific geographical details of Laos include mostly rugged mountains; some plains and plateaus.

Suppose we would like to describe the countries location from a different perspective. In that case, it is safe to say, and easy to read from a map, Laos is a landlocked country; most of the country is mountainous and thickly forested; the Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand.

Resources and land use of Laos

The country’s main mined products are timber, hydropower, gypsum, tin, gold, gemstones. The population partly uses the earlier highlighted land territory and partly left in its natural state: agricultural land: 10.6%; arable land 6.2%; permanent crops 0.7%; permanent pasture 3.7%; forest: 67.9%; other: 21.5% (2011 estimate).

Population data of Laos

The number of inhabitants of Laos is 7,019,073 (July 2016 estimate).

If we examine the proportion of the population distribution, it is safe to say that N/A.

If we look at the proportion of the urbanized and barely populated areas, these are the figures: urban population: 38.6% of the total population (2015).

Most of the population in Laos is concentrated in VIENTIANE (capital) 997,000 (2015).

Ethnicity in Laos

According to ethnicity details, the ethnic groups are Lao 54.6%, Khmou 10.9%, Hmong 8%, Tai 3.8%, Phuthai 3.3%, Lue 2.2%, Katang 2.1%, Makong 2.1%, Akha 1.6%, other 10.4%, unspecified 1% (2005 estimate).

Spoken languages in Laos

Laos’s spoken languages are the following: Lao (official language), French, English, various ethnic languages.

What are the most important religions in Laos?

During the general census, researchers examine the churches, according to this: Buddhist 66.8%, Christian 1.5%, other 31%, unspecified 0.7% (2005 estimate).

Further population data of Laos

The proportion of gender and age tells a lot about the society as follows 0-14 years: 33.4% (male 1,184,344 / female 1,159,731) 15-24 years: 21.29% (male 742,073 / female 751,983) 25-54 years: 36.1% (male 1,250,108 / female 1,283,834) 55-64 years: 5.36% (male 184,183 / female 192,298) 65 years and over: 3.85% (male 122,485 / female 148,034) (2016 estimate). It also a significant factor in a society the population growth rate, which in the case of Laos is 1.53% (2016 estimate).

The population growth rate is based on two elements, the birth, and the death rate. In Laos the birth rate is 23.9 births / 1,000 population (2016 estimate), the death rate 7.5 deaths / 1,000 population (2016 estimate).

In this day and age in developed societies, the first child borns later compared to the previous centuries and decades, so childbearing is extended. In Laos, the average age of mothers at the first childbirth is N/A.

Although the children’s birth is postponed in the best-case scenario, the parents can still see their kids grow as life expectancy also extended. In the case of Laos, these figures are. With the introduction of modern medicine, vaccinations, and the proper hygienic conditions, the infant mortality rate is in a steep decline. The infant mortality statistics in Laos are the following: N/A. Relevant data is the budget of healthcare, which is in the case of this country is 1.9% of GDP (2014).

Economic data of Laos

Suppose we would like to describe a country, we also have to mention its economy; The government of Laos, one of the few remaining one-party communist states, began decentralizing control and encouraging private enterprise in 1986. Nevertheless, Laos remains a country with an underdeveloped infrastructure, particularly in rural areas. It has a basic but improving road system and limited external and internal land-line telecommunications. Laos’ economy is heavily dependent on capital-intensive natural resource exports. The economy has benefited from high-profile foreign direct investment in hydropower dams along the Mekong River, copper and gold mining, logging, and construction. Laos gained Normal Trade Relations status with the US in 2004. It applied for the Generalized System of Preferences trade benefits in 2013 after being admitted to the World Trade Organization earlier. Laos began a one-year chairmanship of ASEAN in.

GDP is a prominent figure, as all the relevant calculations and statistics are based on it. GDP in Laos is $13.76 billion (2015 estimate).

Another important indicator is the rate of GDP growth, which in Laos is 7.5% (2016 estimate), 7.6% (2015 estimate) 7.5% (2014 estimate).

These statistics affect the world economy; remember, in 2015, the Chinese real GDP growth rate was worse than expected; The world markets fall, and the Chinese stock exchange was temporarily suspended.

A further major factor of a country’s economy, the GDP per capita. In Laos this is $5,700 (2016 estimate) $5,400 (2015 estimate) $5,100 (2014 estimate).

In the economy, the Trinity is in common places, such as agriculture, industry, and services.

What are the agricultural products Laos produces?

Laos’s main agricultural products are sweet potatoes, vegetables, corn, coffee, sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, tea, peanuts, rice, cassava (manioc, tapioca), water buffalo, pigs, cattle, poultry.

The essential segments are mining (copper, tin, gold, gypsum), timber, electric power, agricultural processing, rubber, construction, garments, cement, and tourism. The crucial and regularly mentioned GDP is based on mining (copper, tin, gold, gypsum), timber, electric power, agricultural processing, rubber, construction, garments, cement, tourism.

Drinking water source in Laos

It is essential to mention that – thanks to the development of the infrastructure -, the rate of potable water improved: urban: 85.6% of the population, rural: 69.4% of the people, total: 75.7% of the population. Unimproved: urban: 14.4% of the people, rural: 30.6% of the people, total: 24.3% of the population (2015 estimate).

The average number of childbirth in Laos

In Laos, the average delivery number is 2.76 children born / woman (2016 estimate).

Population, median age, migration, and citizenship in Laos

The population’s average age is 22.7 years; male: 22.4 years, female: 23 years (2016 estimate). The age of adulthood varies in every country of the world in Laos; it is 18 years of age, universal.

When we are experiencing an unprecedented scale of migration and globalization, it is an important factor in the number of new immigrants. In Laos is -1.1 migrant(s) / 1,000 population (2016 estimate). It is important to know how to apply for citizenship: citizenship by birth: no. Citizenship by descent only: at least one parent must be a citizen of Laos. Dual citizenship recognized: no—residency requirement for naturalization: 10 years.

Is Laos a safe destination? Healthcare services and infectious diseases in Laos

Many of the travelers are looking into the healthcare services and infectious diseases of their destinations. In Laos, the hospital beds’ density is 1.5 beds / 1,000 population (2012).

According to the WHO rating regarding Laos’s contagious diseases, the degree of risk: very high food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever vectorborne diseases: dengue fever and malaria (2016).

However, HIV is not curable but maintainable. Let’s do not forget when the disease surfaced; it was a world threatening condition. Unfortunately, in some countries, it is still very high the number of infected patients and fatalities due to the disease.
In Laos, the number of HIV/AIDS deaths: N/A.

Regarding tourism obesity, not an important issue, but we have to mention health statistics, as it is the plague of the 20th and the 21st century. The rate of obese adults in Laos is 3% (2014).

What are the natural hazards in Laos? Is there any?

The most known natural risk in Laos are floods, droughts.

More interesting facts about Laos

A few words about the past, as every country and society, is connected to its history; Modern-day Laos has its roots in the ancient Lao kingdom of Lan Xang, established in the 14th century under King FA NGUM. For 300 years, Lan Xang had influence reaching into present-day Cambodia and Thailand and over all of what is now Laos. After centuries of a gradual decline, Laos came under Siam’s domination (Thailand) from the late 18th century until the late 19th century when it became part of French Indochina. The Franco-Siamese Treaty of 1907 defined the current Lao border with Thailand. In 1975, the communist Pathet Lao took control of the government, ending a six-century-old monarchy and instituting a strict socialist regime closely aligned to Vietnam. A gradual, limited return to private enterprise and the liberalization of foreign investment laws began in 1988. Laos became a member of ASEAN in 1997 and the WTO in 2013.

In every nation’s memory, some cornerstones placed the country on the timeline of history. The date of declaration of independence of Laos: 19 July 1949 (from France).

The flag and other symbols of Laos

The colors, symbols, and animals on the flag usually have a historical background or an important milestone or memory of the nation.

This case is not an exception either; three horizontal bands of red (top), blue (double-width), and red with a large white disk centered in the blue band; the red bands recall the bloodshed for liberation; the blue band represents the Mekong River and prosperity; the white disk symbolizes the full moon against the Mekong River, but also signifies the unity of the people under the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, as well as the country’s bright future.

Apart from the flag, the symbol of national unity is the national anthem. The anthem’s primary purpose is to share the nation’s core values, endeavors, and patriotic feelings.

National symbols of Laos: elephant; national colors: red, white, blue.

Constitution of Laos

The existence of the nation is based on the constitution. Some constitutions knew worldwide, like the U.S. Constitution that was accepted on the 17th of September 1787, in Philadelphia, the United States of America’s Constitution.

It is not related to the declaration of independence that was stolen by Nicolas Cage in the movie National Treasure 🙂

What is the legal system of Laos?

Most of the time, the legal system of a country is the focus of lawyers. It is a common fact that there are two main approaches in the world, “the law in books” and “the law in action.”

In the Anglo-Saxon world, the practice is the “law in action,” while in the rest of the world, the law is based on Roman law, the “law in books.”

The legal system of Laos is a civil law system similar in form to the French system.

It was Aristotle who founded the Theory of 3 separations of powers. In his view, these are the council of public affairs, the magistrates, and the justice system. The age of enlightenment was the time when terminologies have defined the way we still use them. In most democratic countries, the three authorities separated from each other. In dictatorships, the rules usually interweaved in one hand.

About the legislative branch of Laos, we can highlight the following structures unicameral National Assembly or Sapha Heng Xat (132 seats; members directly elected in multi-seat constituencies by simple majority vote from candidate lists provided by the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party; members serve 5-year terms).

About the unemployment rate, labor force, and poverty line in Laos

One of the major problems of the 21st-century economy is unemployment. Governments are struggling to maintain a low level of the unemployment rate. Still, as a result of automation, the cheap 3rd world labor, and the outsourcing of workflow, these attempts fail. In Laos, the labor force is 3.5 million (2016 estimate). Please bear in mind that the population in Laos is total: 51.4 deaths / 1,000 live births; male: 56.8 deaths / 1,000 live births, female: 45.8 deaths / 1,000 live births (2016 estimate) – as we already mentioned above.

The rate of unemployment in Laos is 1.3% (2012 estimate).

Widely known that the gap between the rich and poor is widening on an enormous scale.

According to the 2017 shocking Oxfam report, the most affluent eight people’s fortune is equal to the wealth of the poorest half of the world’s population.

In Laos, the households’ income and consumption compared to the entire population: lowest 10%: 3.3% highest 10%: 30.3% (2008).

Another widely used indicator is the so-called GINI index, which measures the inequalities of statistical dispersion, but is mainly used for measuring the sharing of income and fortune.

The GINI index was named after its founder Corrado Gini, an Italian economist. Gini index has grades between 0-1, but often it is used on a percentage basis. It is 0 if the examined criteria territorial distribution is equal. It is one of the criteria concentrated on the territory. In Laos, the GINI index is .36,7 (2008).

The states usually set up a poverty line, which is more or less, is a subjective measure. It varies by country; its base is often the minimum pension, the incomes of the most deficient 20 percent, the X percent of income per capita Etc.

In Laos, the poverty line people are the lowest 10%: 3.3% highest 10%: 30.3% (2008).

About the budget and central governments debt of Laos

The available budget mainly defines the state’s economy. Laos’s budget is; revenues: $2.882 billion, expenditures: $3.822 billion (2016 estimate). Taxes and other revenues are 20.9% of GDP (2016 estimate).

The budget deficit (Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-)) is N/A.

The fiscal year in Laos is 1 October – 30 September.

In the country’s economy, we have to consider the public debt. Public debt is the consolidated sum of the state’s local, federal, and central government debt.

Inflation rate and prime lending rate in Laos

A few further interesting and relevant economic data are the following; Inflation rate: 0.7% (2016 estimate), 1.3% (2015 estimate), and the rate of the Commercial bank prime lending rate: 16.5% (31 December 2016 estimate).

Export/import partners and data of Laos

Laos, with the export of products, industrial tools, and other services, generates revenue. The export value in Laos is: $3.075 billion (2016 estimate), $2.928 billion (2015 estimate). These activities’ total revenue: wood products, coffee, electricity, tin, copper, gold, cassava.

Laos’s most important export partners are Thailand 30.4%, China 27%, Vietnam 17.6% (2015).

The most important imported products are machinery and equipment, vehicles, fuel, consumer goods, and the countries from where the import is coming: Thailand 60.9%, China 18.6%, Vietnam 7.3% (2015).

Renewable energies used in Laos

To suppress the pollution of the environment, renewable energies have to replace the fossil energy. The more the proportion of renewable energies in a country means more effort against pollution. Laos, the indicator of how much of the country’s produced energy is coming from the hydroelectric source, is 98.3% of total installed capacity (2012 estimate).

To indicate how much another renewable energy produced is 0% of total installed capacity (2012 estimate).

Telecommunication data of Laos, calling code

To maintain the economy, the development of a reliable and modern telecommunications infrastructure is crucial. We can say the following about Laos; service to the public is generally improving; the government relies on a radiotelephone network to communicate with remote areas. Domestic: mobile cellular usage has slowed as the regulator imposed a strict policy on pricing, and competition is effectively discouraged; network performance has suffered insufficient maintenance and upgrades. International: country code – 856; satellite earth station – 1 Intersputnik (Indian Ocean region) and a second to be developed by China (2015).

Transport infrastructure in Laos

In the 21st century, we often say that the world has become small and there are no distances anymore. With widespread air travel when (sometimes) there are no visa restrictions, it is easy to reach other countries, but if the distance is not too long, we can also use railway or water transportation.

The number of airports in Laos: 41 (2013), and the number of heliports: N/A.

The total length of the roadways in Laos: 39,586 km, paved: 5,415 km, unpaved: 34,171 km (2009).

The total length of the waterways in Laos: 4,600 km (primarily on the Mekong River and its tributaries; 2,900 additional km are intermittently navigable by craft drawing less than 0.5 m) (2012).

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Facts & data about Laos

Name of the country: conventional long way: Lao People’s Democratic Republic, traditional short form: Laos, local long form: Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao, local short state: Mueang Lao (unofficial), etymology: the name means “Land of the Lao [people].”

Abbreviation: Laos Geographic coordinates:
18 00 N, 105 00 E
Country Location: Southeast Asia
Capital of Laos: Vientiane GPS of the Capital:
17 58 N 102 36 E
Position: Southeastern Asia, northeast of Thailand, west of Vietnam
Land area: total: 236,800 sq km; land: 230,800 sq km, water: 6,000 sq km Terrain: mostly rugged mountains; some plains and plateaus
Area comparative: slightly larger than Utah
Population: 7,019,073 (July 2016 estimate) Population grow rate: 1.53% (2016 estimate) Sex ratio: at birth: 1.04 male(s) / female, 0-14 years: 1.02 male(s) / female, 15-24 years: 0.99 male(s) / female, 25-54 years: 0.97 male(s) / female, 55-64 years: 0.96 male(s) / female, 65 years and over: 0.83 male(s) / female, total population: 0.99 male(s) / female (2016 estimate)
Exports: $3.075 billion (2016 estimate), $2.928 billion (2015 estimate) Imports: $3.936 billion (2016 estimate), $4.058 billion (2015 estimate) Import partners: Thailand 60.9%, China 18.6%, Vietnam 7.3% (2015)
Urbanization: urban population: 38.6% of the total population (2015) Major urban area(s): VIENTIANE (capital) 997,000 (2015) Median age: total: 22.7 years; male: 22.4 years, female: 23 years (2016 estimate)
Internet users: total: 1.258 million. Percent of the population: 18.2% (July 2015 estimate) Telephones (fixed-lines): total subscriptions: 962,497. Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 14 (July 2015 estimate) Telephones (mobile, cellular): total: 3.727 million. Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 54 (July 2015 estimate)
Unemployment rate: 1.3% (2012 estimate) Nationality: Lao(s) or Laotian(s) adjective: Lao or Laotian National holidays: Republic Day, 2 December (1975)
Life expectancy at birth: total population: 64.3 years. Male: 62.2 years, female: 66.4 years (2016 estimate) Total fertility rate: 2.76 children born / woman (2016 estimate) Birthrate: 23.9 births / 1,000 population (2016 estimate)
Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write. Total population: 79.9%; male: 87.1%, female: 72.8% (2015 estimate) Legal system: civil law system similar in form to the French system Suffrage: 18 years of age, universal
Industries: mining (copper, tin, gold, gypsum); timber, electric power, agricultural processing, rubber, construction, garments, cement, tourism Industrial production growth rate: 8% (2016 estimate) GDP real growth rate: 7.5% (2016 estimate) 7.6% (2015 estimate) 7.5% (2014 estimate)

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