Lisbon is one of the most populated cities in Portugal, and at the same time, this city is the capital of this country. Located in Europe, you may find the city easily with the following GPS coordinates: 38.42N latitude / 09.10W longitude. For routing in Lisbon, please check the free driving directions Lisbon service below.
When you visit Portugal, be prepared that the official spoken language(s) is Portuguese, and the officially used currency is Euro (EUR), since 1999.
Lisbon, the capital city, has numerous population; 2 843 000 counted together with the city’s metropolitan areas. While Lisbon counts around the inhabitants mentioned earlier, the mother country, Portugal, bears 10 291 196 sum citizens spreading on its 35 556,13 sq mi / 92 090 km2 territory.
The form of the ruling government in Portugal is Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic, and interestingly note that the people here share the motto: N/A, while salute for the national anthem called: A Portuguesa (The Portuguese).
Google Maps Lisbon, and the satellite map of the city is a free and useful dynamic tool to discover the capital of Portugal and the neighboring countries like Spain.
Please look at this country’s information page for a wide range of information such as economic data, population, geographical knowledge, additional Portugal Google Maps, satellite imagery, etc.
Google Maps Lisbon
Short geographic information for Portugal
Portugal occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula and is somewhat smaller than Indiana. Three large rivers cross the country that rise in Spain, flow into the Atlantic, and divide the country into three geographic areas. The Minho River, part of the northern boundary, cuts through a mountainous area that extends south to the vicinity of the Douro River. South of the Douro, the slope of the mountain to the plains around the Tejo River. The remaining division is the southern one of Alentejo. The Azores stretch over 340 mi (547 km) in the Atlantic and consist of nine islands with a total area of 902 sq mi (2,335 sq km). Madeira, consisting of two inhabited islands, Madeira and Porto Santo, and two groups of uninhabited islands, lie in the Atlantic about 535 mi (861 km) southwest of Lisbon.
Driving Directions Lisbon
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